Friday, June 18, 2010
Thank you!
THANK YOU to everyone who contributed to my birthday blog in any way. I loved it! I just had a huge smile all day long. What a wonderful surprise! I loved all those comments from my friends and my family and the friends of my friends and family and the strangers who don't even know my friends and family (Just kidding! I think everyone was eventually identified.) It was so sweet of everyone to take the time to send me a note. Thank you sooooo much! I had a great birthday!!!
I hope that Angie and Connie have great birthdays today as well. I would happily party with you guys anytime!!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
You Have Been Hijacked
First of all, I just have to say that this is one of my favorite pictures of you: it shows your true celebrity side.
My memory is from my wedding. Most importantly, I want to say "Thank You" for making my wedding happen. Who knows what kind of wedding I'd have if left to my own devices...not a good one that's for sure. You were there every step of the way, and you even took the time to tie down the endless amount of buttons on my dress. I owe it all to you, so thank you. There were so many memories I had with you while finding a dress, creating a dance and going to the temple--all good ones--but I'm going to remind you of taking bridal pictures. You had the idea to take a few bridal pictures before the wedding just in case we ran out of time on the actual wedding day. Everyone except the weather cooperated with the idea. It was a nice 15 degree day in Provo, and snow covered the ground. You made me look fantastic and then sent me out in white, open-toed heels. We soon learned that my talent of being photogenic does not work when I'm getting early stages of frostbite. I remember you were there coaching me and telling me that I looked great despite my murderous glare that was captured in many pictures. Even though it was not a comfortable experience I remember us all laughing at how ridiculous the situation was. Yes I was freezing, but you helped me to see the humor in it all. After the torturous pictures, we went to TGI Fridays and we ordered hot chocolate and continued to laugh about our day. Thank you for being a good example of optimism and seeing the humor in every situation. Happy Birthday Mom, you're the greatest mom in the world and I love you so much!
Gutwrenching terror is probably pretty common among guys when meeting the parents of the fiancee for the first time--especially when the parents don't yet know about the engagement. That first day we met when you got to wonder, "Who the heck is this guy Kristy brought home?" and "Let's just hope he's not some creep," I got to think, "They don't even realize they're already stuck with me. I hope they're not crazy." I remember meeting you the first time and seeing how fun you make your home and realizing that I definitely picked the right family to be stuck with--even if it meant having to dance *shudder* ever now and then. Happy birthday! Love, Trevor
Dear Sis...
Our lives have been roller coasters at times and tremors at others. Has it ever been smooth sailing? I'm not sure it has. But we've always had each other. If you think about it, having each other hasn't always or ever meant side by side. Even when we'd move to another new city, and to a new school, we knew each other was there, SOMEWHERE, and THAT right there is WHO we are! Just because we haven't always been visible doesn't mean we haven't been there, and I hope you know that!
I was going to try and pretend I have a head full of memories...well, I have a few but they'd probably bring tears and darn it, it's your Birthday!!! I want NO tears!!!
So...I wish my Sister of less than 12 months a part an amazing Birthday!!
I have always been Proud and Honored to be the Pink to your Blue ;) !!!
I Love You.....Lori
Back when we all lived in Utah, I believe Peggy was a senior in high school or possibly just graduated, Peggy and I flew to California to see our Dad. Back then I was a very nervous flyer. Peggy tried many things to try to keep me calm and have me not be so nervous. Unfortunately, none of them worked very well. Then she came up with the grand-daddy of all plans. She decided that by having me file and paint her finger nails I would be able to keep my mind off the plane slamming into the side of the mountain at any given point. Amazinigly enough it worked!!!! Love ya Peggy. Have a wonderful birthday!!
My mom does not like it when we tell each other to shut up. She really does not like it. Now that we’re older we know not to say it around her, but for a while there when we were all still at home it was a big problem for our family; a problem that my mom was set on fixing.
One day, I don’t remember how old I was, ten to twelve maybe, my family was helping my mom at a youth activity she was in charge of. Kendall, Courtney, and I were using markers to draw blood on some bandages (I believe it was for a “Leader of the Pack” lip sync, but I could be wrong). We had just finished and Kendall was collecting the markers, only one of the markers lids didn’t get shut all the way. I remember she was annoying me that day, she wouldn’t do anything I told her to, and so I said, not so kindly, “Shut the lid!” and here is the conversation that followed:
Mom: Kylie we don’t say shut up.
Kylie (confused): I know. (to Kendall) Shut the lid!
Mom: Kylie! We don’t say shut up.
Kylie (annoyed): I know! (to Kendall. Again.) Shut the lid!!
Mom (getting seriously T.O.ed): Kylie! What did I just say?!
Kylie (in the kind of tome mothers despise): WE DON’T SAY SHUT UP! I get it! Kendall, SHUT THE LID!!!
Mom (SERIOUSLY T.O.ed): DO YOU THINK I’M STUPID?! Shut the lid is no different than shut up and we do not say shut up blah blah blah…. (ranting and lecturing ensued)
Kylie: Mom, I was talking about the lid to the pen.
Mom: Oh. Well we still don’t say shut up.
I love my mom and I love that she raised to use the type of language that would reflect well on ourselves and on her. Happy Birthday Mom!
Mom, one of my absolute FAVORITE memories with you is when you took me to the Pacific Science Center in Seattle in the Fourth grade. We went to see all the cool exhibits and it was SO much fun. I also remember going out to one of the exhibits where we got to block virtual soccer balls and you called out to me “ BE CAREFUL SWEETIE DON’T HURT YOURSELF” and I remember how much I didn’t want you there mom. But then, I did somehow end up hurting myself on the exhibit and I remember how glad I was to have my mom there to comfort me. Mom I love you and you’re the greatest mother I could ever ask for. Have a great birthday!!!!
Peggy Earl as my role model...encouraging, inspiring, I strive to be
Peggy Earl as my friend...the best and always there for me
Peggy Earl as my big sister...PRICELESS!
You are one of the people that I can have just a gut bursting tears running down my cheeks kind of laugh with!!!! I love you Peggy! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!
I was so excited to turn 16 just so I could drive. I wouldn’t have to ask anyone for a ride ever again! It would be like a dream come true. I wanted to take my tests right away so that I could get my license right when I turned 16. Apparently the universe didn’t like that plan…
I went to take the written test on a Friday after my Pointe class. My class ended at 4:30 and after only like ten minutes of waiting (you can understand why I wanted my license) my parents came to pick me up. They were on their way to the movies so they were going to drop me off there and Kylie was supposed to come to pick me up. I remember reading through the driver’s ed. book all day long and even on the short car ride to the licensing department I had it open. I was NOT going to fail this test. When we finally get there, there was only one worker in there. I go try to open the door and find that it is locked. They were closed for the night and would not open again until Tuesday. My birthday was on Wednesday. My plan for getting my license before my birthday was already ruined.
The next time I went to take my test was Tuesday during lunch. My mom picked me up and took me to the department. After waiting in a long line we finally started to sign me up to take the written. Then the man asked for my driver’s ed. certificate. I had forgotten it but I did know where it was. So the worker told us we could run home and get it and he would help us as soon as we got back. So we run home, I run all the way up my stairs to the desk under my bed where my driver’s ed. work book is sitting. I see the paper stuck inside the front cover of my book, just where I knew it would be, and run back down the stairs. When I show it to my mom I notice something odd. My certificate isn’t my certificate at all; it’s just an old test from my class. I still to this day have no idea why I put that test there or where I actually put my certificate.
To get another certificate we had to driver down to my driver’s ed. school (which luckily was not too far away) and pay 20 to get another one. My mom was not very happy about that and yet through this whole ordeal, I had gotten nothing more than a couple of stern looks and a few frustrated sighs. I think my mom realized this was just as hard on me as it was on her. Once we got the replacement we went back to take the test and the man did help us right away. I sat down and took my test while my mom waited. It took maybe all of 10 minutes to take that test that had taken HOURS to prepare for. To pass the test you can’t miss 5 questions; I missed 4.
After passing the test we signed me up to take the driving test on Saturday, the morning of my birthday party. Sadly I was not going to have a license on my actual birthday. So Saturday morning came and I’m all set to take the test the car that is going to be mine. My dad had checked it all out and declared it good a couple days before. Good thing too because all our other cars had something that didn’t work in them. I go take my test and I have to sit out there FOREVER waiting for the tester to come out. My mom is waiting inside. The tester was a nice pretty lady who started by just asking me to do things like use my signal lights and turn on my brights, while she walked around making sure it worked. The problem came when she asked me to pump my brakes. I was watching her this whole time and as she looked at the back of my car as I pumped she got a very surprised look on her face. She then comes over and informs me that both of my brake lights are out. Great…
So we both leave my car to walk back in and I’m close to tears and the tester tells my mom about my lights. My mom hugs me and we schedule me to take my test later that afternoon. As we head back home, I believe I did start crying. My mom started to talk to me about what car I could use for my test but as I said before, all of our cars had a problem. So while I went off shopping with my friend for my party, my mom got new lights into my car. And then I went back with my fixed car and took the test, passing with an 87.
If it hadn’t been for my mom, I probably would have never gotten my license and I would still be asking anyone and everyone for rides home. Thanks so much for all you did those couple of days mom. Love, Kendall

Part of me thinks my memory should be counted in all of the memories I CREATED with my birthday blog hijacking. But, mom always expects us to go above and beyond the minimum expected of us, so here I go.
I remember visiting my mom in the hospital after she would have a baby. I remember she always looked pretty tired but she was smiling and really excited to see us every time. I would look at that new baby sister or brother and then climb up onto bed with mom. She always got a carton of her favorite Baskin Robbins ice cream. The rule was that mom earned that ice cream and she didn’t have to share with us. But she always did.
Now, after having been in that hospital bed post-baby, I realize how much my mom loved all of us. To let us all come climb up on her bed, share us bites of ice cream and put up with all of the chaos I’m sure we caused in her exhausted state, that is a saint right there for ya.
You are a woman who deserves to be celebrated and honored.
Love, Kacey

I realized my war was really ruined over fish tacos at midnight when Kacey was in the hospital for Scarlet's birth. I was trapped in bizzaro world on a wierd date with my mother-in-law, but as always I found you engaging, intelligent, and caring company. The conversation should have been awkwardly standoffish and ebbed with accusation, but hanging out with you was neither. Rather I had a pleasant time talking with you. I think it was the first time I told you that Barak Obama would be President some day, and you didn't believe me. You thought Romney had a chance, and I told you then not to waste money donating to his election. Other than that misstep, you have proven yourself not only competent at everything you approach, but willing to let us make our own bad decisions too. That is a very difficult thing for people who are always right to do.
In the end, there are plenty of types of people that I don't like, but, dang it, I haven't found any reason to not like you. I could hang out, work, talk, vacation, get in a street fight, discuss the gospel, and even jog with you anytime.
Don't let my sentimentalism go to your head. I still disagree strongly in regards to the amount of toys my kid needs.
Congratulations on surviving another.
Jon Wayne Nielsen
One of my favorite memories is the very first time we saw each other after I got home from my mission. It was a Tuesday evening and I had been home from my mission for just over 48 hours. I had flown from Brazil to Seattle and spent exactly 24 hours in Moses Lake before driving to BYU to start Spring semester in 1982. Peggy had heard the news that I was coming home and was expecting me. This would be the first time we had seen each other in almost two years. I went to her apartment in Salt Lake City and she looked amazing. I remember she was just wearing a simple outfit with jeans and a sweatshirt but in that instant, I fell in love all over again. We had an amazing first nigh back together. We went to dinner and spent the rest of the evening sharing stories from our long absence. It took me four weeks to actually ask her to marry me but I knew the first time she walked into that doorway that I wanted this woman to be my wife. Happy birthday, Peggy.