Since the election is looming I just have to get a few
political thoughts off my chest. I sure hope that people out
there realize the kind of candidate we have in Mitt Romney. Do not believe the
media! It is so exciting to have a candidate of Mitt’s caliber. He is not too
good to be true people – he is exactly as he seems! It drives me crazy to have
political pundits say that he’s too wooden, his hair is too perfect, he’s too
rich, he’s wishy washy and other such nonsense. If we had all gotten together
and created the perfect candidate from scratch, I don’t think we could have gotten
much closer than Mitt. He’s an independently wealthy, highly educated, hard-working,
God fearing, family man. Christians everywhere should be jumping
for joy! This is our guy!!
I have a feeling that many of you out there are like me when
it comes to politics… I don’t understand half of what they are talking about
most of the time! I freely admit that!! I stay somewhat informed but mostly I
am busy raising a family and training dancers. I am doing my best to be a good
citizen and make a difference in my community. I look for a candidate who has
similar interests to mine, someone who I believe would make wise decisions on
my behalf when faced with difficult situations both at home and abroad. It’s
awesome when a candidate comes with expertise in at least one area (like Mitt
with his financial background) but I still believe the most important trait is
character. I want a president who is intelligent, wise and sensible and has no
other agenda other than to do what is best to protect our country and improve
it. Reagan was an actor by profession yet he was a successful and beloved
president. I don’t think that any president has all of the knowledge and
expertise to solve this country’s problems on their own (though Mitt probably could!) and we don't expect that. A president is only as
good as the people he surrounds himself with and good people naturally attract
other good people. I look for the candidate who is most likely to put the
smartest people possible on their team who have no hidden agendas. Let’s face
it, career politicians make deals and arrangements – how else do you think they
fund their campaigns? Most are not independently wealthy before they are elected president! Why in the world does this
country have so much mistrust for the man who wants the job (Mitt) but not the man who needs the job (Obama)? With Mitt we get a man of great character and
a financial genius! Seriously people – what more do you want???
I want to make it clear that I am not one of those who believe that Obama is a terrorist, or his
degrees are fake, or he is the devil incarnate, etc. From what I know of
him which is based on nothing more than reading his book, The Audacity of
Hope, and seeing him on Oprah, and years of mentally sifting through all of
the information that has been presented to me through the media… I like the
guy! He seems like a good person. His wife seems awesome. He has a beautiful
family. I would have to say that one of the biggest problems I always had with
Obama was the fact that he smoked. I’m sorry if this offends people, but what
intelligent person smokes these days? To me, it shows a personal weakness which
could be just a simple addiction to nicotine or, more often, a habit that is masking
a deeper inner struggle. To me, his
smoking was a red flag that indicated weakness. His wife hated the fact that he
smoked yet he continued to smoke. I just find that habit to be at odds with the
person he claims to be. The golden question is would he have quit if he wasn’t
running for reelection? He supposedly quit in 2010. Hmmm… So, bottom line is, I like Obama as a person
but I am not at all impressed with the state of our country and I’d like to try
something different.
Being a Mormon, I have no problem with Mitt’s religious affiliation
– I know, big surprise! For me, a candidate’s religious affiliation is
something to be taken into consideration – not necessarily a deal breaker - but
should be considered. Anyone who knows anything about Mormonism or who knows
more than a few Mormons knows that there is nothing to fear! I’ll bet you
anything that if you have Mormons in your community, they are people that are
well liked and well respected. The reason I am certain of this is because that
is the kind of people that our church teaches us to be! Yes, there are a few
weirdos and extremists among us but, let’s be honest, all religions have their
fair share of weirdos – most of them well intentioned.
What I find so hypocritical in regards to religion is that
the media puts Mormonism under the microscope and wants to judge every one of
it tenets and make a ruling, yet Obama does not have a religion that has any
doctrine that can be pinpointed so he’s okay. Does anyone else see the
hypocrisy there? The same goes for Catholic and Jewish candidates. The media
gets to judge them because their beliefs are well documented and have been for
centuries, yet these evangelicals and born again candidates come along and they
don’t really profess anything other than being a Christian and that’s okay! If
you can define your religion, we will judge you and even persecute you for it,
but if you can’t define what you believe then you get a free pass and are
presumed to be a good upstanding Christian even without any supporting evidence.
It’s so unfair! Does anyone else see that?
It says in Matthew, Chapter 7, “A good tree cannot bring
forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit… Wherefore
by their fruits ye shall know them.” There may be many who disagree with one or
more tenets of Mormon doctrine (although many are misinformed) but no one can
make a claim that the Mormon church is anything other than a good church based
on the fruits (actions) of the majority of its members (we don’t deserve to be
judged by our weirdos any more than you do!) So if you know nothing else about the
Mormon church, know that you have absolutely nothing to fear about a Mormon
president. If he is living his religion,
he won’t smoke (Obama), he won’t cheat on his wife (Clinton, Kennedy, …), he won’t drink alcohol (which usually precedes
the aforementioned turpitudes, et al) and he will need nothing more to wake him
up in the morning than a good shower! Mormons aren’t perfect but the code of
conduct that we are taught to follow is!
One thing everyone needs to understand is that if there was
any dirt on Mitt Romney you would know about it. You need to realize that they
are saying that his hair is too perfect because that’s the worst thing they can
say about him! Some say he’s been wishy washy on some issues and I say – you try
to run as a conservative Christian and see how far you can get telling the
absolute truth about how you really feel about each issue. You don’t think Mitt
has to give in here and there for the greater good? Every time he even hits
close to the truth on issues, he gets crucified for it yet we all know that he’s
right. The 47%? Come on people, we all know it’s true. There is a big
percentage of people that are either government employees who enjoy job
security in spite of poor performance or lack of need for their job description
and also people living on government assistance who are fully able to work who
are living a fairly good life and do not want that to change. No one is saying these are bad people - just saying they probably aren't looking for a change so those of us who are need to be sure and get out there and vote! I believe Mitt is
as honest as a politician can possibly be and the reason he gets in trouble for
little things he says here and there is because he is a real person living in
the real world like the rest of us. He is not a career politician who has a
masters in Rhetoric and a minor in Don’t Say Anything That Will Offend. He had
a career! He is a family man. He is just like you and me only better looking
and wealthier!
I’d like to say one more thing about Mitt
and about his wife, Ann. If anyone out there thinks that raising 5 boys without
any scandals is not a herculean accomplishment these days then you aren’t
paying attention. Add to that mix extreme wealth. I defy anyone to find an
extremely wealthy family that has not had any problems with their kids. Wealth
is often more of a curse than a blessing – just ask the Kennedys, the Windsors,
the Kardashians! And I will remind you
that if there was dirt out there on the kids or the grandkids, we would know
about it too! Add in again that Ann has battled breast cancer and lives with
Multiple Sclerosis. These are ordinary people doing extraordinary things just
like you and me. They have a proven track record of success. Who would you
rather trust your future with?
I truly believe that the majority of people in our country
are fine upstanding Christians who cross all party lines. We are allowing the
liberal minority to run our country and it’s time for a change. For the most
part, the liberals are the ones who are filling our air waves and telling us
what to think. They are the ones who are giving us their version of the news
and telling us how we should feel about it. They are the ones who are telling
us that we are bigots if we don’t think marriage should be redefined. Just
because you hear it on the news doesn’t make it true and it certainly doesn’t
make it right! It’s time for the quiet majority to be heard. The majority who doesn’t
have time to protest or be in front of the camera because they are busy making
the world a better place one job at a time, one family at a time, one home at a
time, one yard at a time.
I, for one, truly appreciate the sacrifice that Mitt Romney
is making for us. He has a great life. He does not need us – we need him! Why
in the world is he putting himself and his family through this torture that is
called campaigning? It’s because he knows he has gifts and talents that can be
utilized for the greater good of our country. He is doing what we were all
supposed to learn how to do in Kindergarten… he is sharing! America you are
crazy if you pass up an opportunity for someone like Mitt to lead our country. We
should not only be voting for him, we should also be thanking him for stepping
up and doing this for us when he could easily be enjoying retirement on a sunny
beach in Florida… or the Hamptons… or the south of France (not sure where really
rich people go? I only go where frequent flier miles go!) I am happily voting for Mitt but, unfortunately, my vote probably won't count in Washington (too many Westside liberals and stupid electoral college) so we need everyone whose votes will count to vote for Mitt!!