Last year we traveled to Las Vegas to spend Christmas there with Kacey & Jon. Also last year I was recuperating from my unfortunate intestinal surgery so the Christmas decorating was left to a bare minimum. This year we got it all out, though, and everyone helped including our two exchange students. We actually got it up the weekend before Thanksgiving but did not have the official lighting until after our feast. It is so fun to have it decorated so early and just enjoy it. Some day I will actually get my shopping done early too. Dare to dream!
Oprah has her favorite things so I am going to share some of my favorite Christmas things! Here they are in no particular order:
My nativity snow globe (Costco). I always wondered why they would make big heavy snow globes that had to be held upside down and shaken. I knew there had to be a better way and then I found it. To make the glitter swirl inside of the globe, you simply press a button in the back and it lights up and swirls! Also the wise men under the globe turn around to music and you wind in by turning it counter clockwise. No lifting or dropping involved! Love it.
My nativity from Ghana. Kacey brought this back for me and I don't know how she did it because it is so heavy. That hut weighs a ton. It is beautiful and I love it.
My nativities from Guatemala. I have two sets mixed in together here. Up close the faces could possibly considered creepy and sometimes it's hard to tell which person they actually represent. But I love the workmanship and I love the different cultures' perspective on the nativity.
My nativity from Costco. It is really beautiful and I love it. I don't know where Costco gets their stuff but sometimes it is just amazing that they can sell stuff like this for a good price.
My stocking hangers. They are picture frames so I get to enjoy my kids in all of their youthful exuberance. It took a few years to get Bryan's picture in (okay so he didn't get in til this year) but he's here now and that's what's important!

My homage to snow men! The snow men have their own tree complete with snow men ornaments.

David's mother has a tradition of buying all of her grandchildren ornaments for Christmas. So as a result, we have lots of wonderful ornaments on our tree. The kids love opening up their Christmas ornaments every year and we just ooh and aah over them. What a fun tradition! Here are just a few to give you an idea...

I love my tree. This picture doesn't do it justice but it is big and tall and it spins around so we can see all the ornaments. Thank you again, Costco! Unfortunately, our cat loves the tree too and climbs inside. I think she is chewing on the lights!
Santa and this wacky reindeer have been guarding our door at Christmas for many years now. The reindeer has had a series of unfortunate events. This year we even had to glue his head back on!

We have had this Christmas plate for about 20 years now! It was given to me by a friend.

One of my very favorite Christmas things is our train (Costco again!). I think this is our 5th year with the train. It is the cutest thing and I just love it. I will be sad when it breaks. Will Scarlet be the one? I sure hope not. I would hate to have to choose between my granddaughter and the train!
I so wish that, like Oprah, I could now give each of you all of my favorite things. That would be so great, but I can't. You'll just have to covet mine! Long live Costco!!
Your house looks beautiful. I can't wait to see it in person. Are we going to your house this year for Christmas Eve?
I'm glad to see the train is still intact. I thought it got broken by some little kids a couple of years ago.
I LOVE YOUR DECORATIONS!!! Your home has always been such a statement of your style. It is fun to see your personality come out in Christmas grander. We do the ornaments too. It is fun to go to my children's homes and see their ornament collections on their trees.
um...all I can say is wow. That is my kids biggest dream come true. They complain everyday that we don't have "tons" of decorations. It looks amazing. I am sad we won't be there on Christmas Eve.
WOW! Your house is always beautiful, but all of that makes it magnificent! It is amazing! Wish we would be there for Christmas this year! Dang the airlines for making it almost impossible to get home for the holidays! We will miss you all!
Amazing. Absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing! I am a bit of a Costco freak myself. I am glad to see I am not the only one :)
It's awesome! I absolutely love Christmas Decorations and you guys did a GREAT job!! I love all the trees and decorations.. :)
I am so proud bryan finally got his picture in the stocking frame! its like he is finally part of the family :)
as far as the train goes... i wish both contenders the best of luck
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