There are countless things that we love about Kylie but in honor of her 20th birthday today, we have listed the Top 20 things we love about Kylie (in no particular order!):
20. her laugh
19. her love of cats
18. her Goodwill sleepwear
17. her beautiful voice
16. her freckles
15. her chocolate chip cookies
14. her lips
13. her lip gloss collection
12. her devotion to her baby blanket
11. her ability to finally master the art of riding a bicycle
10. her nail polish collection
9. her portrayal of Mayzie
8. her wit
7. her brain
6. her hair
5. her large calves (a gift from her mother)
4. her portrayal of Sharpay
3. her testimony
2. her smile
1. her continued love of Barbie movies
We have cherished you for two decades! May there be many many more to come. Thank you for all that you have given to our family and continue to give. We love you so much!
Happy birthday, Kylie!
Anyone have any more things they love about Kylie? Feel free to share as you leave a comment...
I think she has one of the best laughs ever made.
#21 - Her ability to rock almost every dress supplied by Ross.
#22 - Her passion for teaching my children the most hilarious/annoying songs known to man.
Kylie is one of my favorite people ever. I thoroughly enjoy every moment I spend time with her. Happy Birthday Kylie!
love the great music always played in her car(the mesiness as well)
love her great skill of doing my hair!
I love kylie sooooo much! Bestest friend a girl could ask for. Her Lips do rock, i get jealous of those.
#23- Her love of her reflection as a child.
#24- Eating the salt cookie dough
I love you Kylie!
#25 - Her fear/love of the ice maker as a child
#26 - Wasn't she the one who thought the three members of the Godhead were Heavenly Father, the Holy Ghost and Hear him? Priceless.
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