I have noticed in my blog reading that people occasionally mention being tagged and then share random details about themselves, but I wasn't really sure how they got tagged. I sometimes wondered if I had been tagged at some point and didn't even realize it. Did I even want to get tagged? I don't know. This is all so new. Is there a blog manual I was supposed to read first because I just jumped right in. I don't really know what I'm doing. Does it show?
Well, as far as I can tell, Lori tagged me. (Thanks for that, by the way. It made me feel special.) So I'm guessing that I am supposed to answer the same question that she did. (Again, there were no instructions.) And I guess I'm supposed to list 5 things. (Again, no instructions. So if Lori took any liberties with her tagging, don't blame me cuz I'm just following suit!) So here goes my response to my first tagging...
Okay I already forgot the question! Oh wait, I think I remember it.
I'm a weirdo and I know it because...
1. I'm a consummate perfectionist.
I don't know why but I have high expectations for myself and everyone around me. I think everything can be done better. When I watch a movie, I think of all the ways it could have been better. When I read the paper, I think most of the articles could have been written better (of course, everyone thinks that about the Herald). When I see Broadway musicals, I think that the story line and/or lyrics and/or dancing could have been better. (I don't judge singing too harshly because I am pretty tone deaf.) I think most businesses could be run better. I think all schools could be run better. I can't sit through a high school assembly without thinking of all the ways it could have and should have been better. (Again, I know I'm not alone in that one.) It's a sickness and I can't turn it off. I wish I could. I'm really not trying to judge because I surely don't want to be judged by the same measure. I just can't help it!
2. I have a secret desire to be a guest on Oprah one day.
I have no idea what it will be for. Maybe I won a contest or, better yet, I was nominated for Mother of the Year. Hopefully, I wasn't indicted for something (but with the way our luck is going that is the likely scenario.) In my fantasy world, Oprah has somehow gotten ahold of a collection of my Christmas letters and she just has to meet the author.
3. I have been married for 25 years and I still complain about how long cooking takes.
Simple meals should not take hours in the kitchen but they do! By the time you get out the ingredients, prepare the meal, serve the meal and clean up - it's a min. of 3 hours for any decent sort of meal that has more than one item. When I do take the time (and it's not often these days) to make a "decent" meal and I am finally finished with the whole process, I generally feel very proud of myself but I inevitably tell David, "That sucked, I was in the kitchen for 4 hours today." I think that is way too long to spend in the kitchen in any one day. My favorite meals are the ones that take more time to consume than they do to prepare.
4. I fix blow dryers.
Most people don't know that blow dryers lose their efficiency if you let the air intake screen gather dust. It's a simple remedy - just clean with an old dry toothbrush. I discovered this one day and now I clean most blowdryers I come in contact with. I especially delight in fixing old hotel blow dryers. (Yes, I keep an old dry toothbrush in my make-up bag and, yes, I truly am a weirdo.)
5. I don't like to ask for directions.
It must be slightly elevated levels of testosterone in me or something, but I would rather drive around lost and figure it out for myself than roll down the window and ask a random person for directions. I hate it when you ask someone for directions and the second they open their mouth you know you have asked the wrong person (for a variety of reasons) and that you are going to have to pretend to be interested in what they are telling you (with a lot of uh huhs and head nodding) - only to have to ask another person that is out of sight of the first person (cuz you don't want to hurt their feelings). Aaahh, I hate it. David, on the other hand, likes to ask people for directions even when he knows where he is going.
Alright, so that's my first tagging response. I hope I did it right. Now, I guess I need to tag others. Is there a set number? I think Lori listed 5. I am not sure if that was her choice or part of the tagging rules. Oh what to do? Also how do you know if someone has already been tagged? What if some people are sick and tired of being tagged? Man, I am such a rookie! Well, here goes... I am not sure who all reads my blog but I would be interested in the answers of the following people:
I tag Kristy, AubRee B., Susan P., Lindsay B., Samantha M.
Lindsay has probably been tagged hundreds of times but she is so funny I just can't resist! I don't even know if AubRee has a blog but I just looked at the cute family pictures they took before they left and it made me think of her. So if you have a blog, Aub, let me know.
Disneyland 2019
5 years ago