Sunday, October 5, 2008

My baby turned 13! How did that happen? I swear he was just born a few months ago. Bryan has always been a burst of energy. One of my favorite memories of him was when he was about 18 months old and I was holding him as I was checking out of Safeway. I put him down for a second while I signed my check and he instantly took off. I said, "I'll be right back" and I left my checkbook wide open and my purse there cuz I knew this kid was fast. He only had a few seconds lead on me and he ran right down the front of the store, past about 5 check stands and out the front door. I was running as fast as I could (and I was younger then) and he was still out in the middle of the street before I caught him. He would have been toast if a car had been coming. I remember saying to him, "You better be a good athlete when you grow up after all this trouble!" Well, he is a good athlete so I guess I can't complain. Happy Birthday Bryan!
Easton Baker (on left) and Bryan at UW-BYU game.

1 comment:

Lori said...

Two most handsome 13 year olds I know. Happy Birthday Bryan!